To infinity and beyond

This post is going to be a letter to my husband, Jay. We don’t usually post cheesy stuff online but I thought today could be an exception because it is after all our 10th wedding anniversary.
So here it goes..

Dear Jay,

Happy big 10th wedding anniversary!
I know the past 10 years have not always been easy and our life is not always about romantic candle light dinners and romance anymore but what I want you to know is that there’s no one else I would rather do life with than you.
I love our chaos and our quiet.

Thank you for always pursuing, dreaming and believing that we can do anything.
Thank you for always being on my side and for making everything feel possible.
Thank you for our everyday and for making our someday come true.

I love us and the life that we have created together and I’m looking forward to doing more of life with you.

I love you, here’s to infinity and beyond!

Love always,

These beautiful images were taken by my wonderful and talented sister-in-law, Dianna Capco.